GTDT 2016.pdf

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Dominance 2015, (published in December 2014; contributing editors Thomas Janssens and Thomas Wessely, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) For further information please visit www.gettingthedealthrough.com.



Croatia Overview 2.pdf

An extract from The European Antitrust Review 2016 - www.GlobalCompetitionReview.com

State aid

We are the pioneers of state aid law, both at the academic and practical level. We have had the opportunity and honour of being among the authors of regulations and creators of the national system of state aid control. We have been internationally recognized as an authority in this area with the experience of representation before the national body for state aid control (before the accession to the EU, this was the Croatian Competition Agency) as well as representation before the European Commission. We have prepared and/or implemented a number of projects (co)financed by European funds which include counselling services in the area of state aid.

Includes the following:

- counselling on the concept of state aid and existence of state aid within the assessed measures
- considering the legal framework for compatible aid
- legal representation in pre-notifications and notifications
- restructuring of businesses in financial difficulty
- legal issues related to public undertakings entrusted with special and/or exclusive rights
- legal framework for providing services of general economic interest (SGEI)
- deliberation of particular measures from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion related to state aid
- assessment of project proposals